16 November 2009

Wall Street Journal: A Look at Wine Ratings

Make that one downright cynical look at wine ratings:

They pour, sip and, with passion and snobbery, glorify or doom wines. But studies say the wine-rating system is badly flawed. How the experts fare against a coin toss.

And people occasionally wonder why I don't deal much with BeerAdvocate and RateBeer.............


dmoore2 said...

Judge/Expert wine ratings vs. large numbers of user-generated beer ratings. Apples, oranges.

Not saying BA or RB are flawless, but there's truth in the whole "wisdom of crowds" idea.

Jay Zeis said...

As a fairly new beer guy, sometimes I like to look at a beer review on rate beer or BA. There are so many flavors out there, and I am doing my best to learn them, when I find a beer that is very prevelant in a taste, I can see what others thought it was, then think whether that was what it was or not.

But overall ratings are crap. Not everyone likes the same thing, so ratings are going to be off, and they are skewed to the high ABV and hop bombs (both what I like, but that doesn't mean a session beer isn't an A).