Again, why in hell do I still have this? I'll make it worse: it's been in a former Beck's green bottle that was recycled through Wild Goose in its forst year or so before they switched to brown bottles! Brewed to be on par with Anchor OSA with an English twist.
Rich porter color, bright if I leave that last half-inch of sludge in the bottom of the bottle. Decent head retention once the head is coaxed out of a subdued carbonation. Nose and mouthfeel are horribly thin; almost an easy-drinking Anchor OSA. Very dry, with a tannic finish. The sludge in the bottom of the bottle is actually chunky. Sheesh.
Again, unless you're throwing a lot of sugar and alcohol in it, don't age a "holiday beer" this long.
Pic(k) of the Week: Follow yellow line
6 hours ago
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