04 March 2010

Friday Firkins

Okay, folks, we have to re-think this a bit.  A whole bunch of places that normally don't/haven't done cask/real ale have been lining up to serve them.  Unfortunately, a whole bunch of them all picked the first Friday of the month as their date.

While I truly appreciate the evangelism to the unconverted or "unwashed heathens," and the vast majority of any such pub's patrons are going to be regulars who see that firkin and say "oh, what's that?", do they all have to do the First Friday shtick?

Anyhow, a round-up of the reports so far:

Alonso's/Loco Hombre, Roland Park: Flying Dog Doggie Style Pale Ale.
Kooper's Tavern, Fells Point:  A free buffet 4-7 PM accompanies a Flying Dog firkin TBA
Muggsy's Mug Hiouse, Federal Hill: Oliver's Blackfriars Stout something--see comments...
Pratt Street Ale House: besides usual stuff the new Three Spires Biere de Garde is now on cask

Add to your Real Ale calendar:  a Real Ale Festival at Yards in Philadelphia March 21st, the Mini-Fest at the Pratt Street Ale House March 20th (close to sold out, I assume), and Pratt St. Ale House is marking Britain's National Cask Ale Week, according to brewer Steve Jones: 
Being a Brit and an advocate of cask ale, I could not let this event pass without some celebration at The Pratt Street Ale House, so for the duration of cask ale week (March 29th – April 5th) all of our 3 cask ales will be offered at the special price of $3/pint between 5pm and close. Also on Friday 2nd April we will have the famous glass-head firkin on the bar serving $2 pints, oh yeah!


stevejones said...

Muggsy's don't have a cask of ours. They may have Blackfriar on Nitro.
Three spires didn't last long at The Ale House. The Biere de garde took its place a couple of days ago!

platypotamus said...

Personally, I'm just glad to see Alonso's making an effort. We need more good options out towards Baltimore County, aka Sibeeria.